Singing Guide: Jon Egan

Singing Guide: Jon Egan

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

How to learn singing like Jon Egan

Jon Egan, the established singer, songwriter, and worship pastor, has been a significant contribution to the contemporary Christian music scene for almost 25 years. He is famous for his transition from rock music to worship music and has released multiple solo albums in addition to writing several powerful worship songs. Some of his famous songs include "I Am Love," "On the Horizon," and "This Changes Everything."


Start by warming up your voice regularly before practicing or singing. Warm-ups are essential for getting the right pitches and tones, and they help to protect your throat from damage. The Farinelli Breathing exercise is an excellent starting point for warming up.

Voice registers

Understanding your voice registers is vital in creating the unique sound Jon Egan possesses. Learn about voice registers and how they differ from one another. Practice using your chest voice to create more forceful sounds, resonances, and tones.

Emotion control

To convey rich and powerful emotions through your singing, you must learn to control your emotions. Emotional control is achieved through introspection and practice, and Singing Carrots' Singing with intuition, skills, emotion, and thinking article is a great resource to improve this aspect of your singing.


Jon Egan often employs vibrato, specifically diaphragm-based vibrato. Learn how to add vibrato to your singing with the Beggars Bounce and Diaphragm Bounce videos.


Breathing and breath support are crucial in creating a powerful and consistent voice. Jon Egan's unique voice requires excellent breath control. Learn more with Singing Carrots' Breath support and Breathing basics articles.

Singing style

Jon Egan's music features an excellent blend of multiple styles, and it's advisable to incorporate different styles into your singing. Find inspiration in the Pop/Jazz vs Classical singing article to experiment with different styles.

Vocal health

Practice healthy singing habits to keep your voice in top shape. Learn about vocal health with our Vocal health article.

Find and learn Jon Egan's songs

You can learn and improve your singing techniques faster by learning to sing Jon Egan's songs. Assemble your song list with our Song search tool precisely matching your vocal range. Also, use Jon Egan's artist vocal ranges to identify excellent songs to practice.

Singing course

Undertake the Singing course to develop excellent techniques and practical skills to improve your singing.

Implementing these tips is critical in your journey to learn to sing like Jon Egan. It's always vital to practice consistently, study his unique vocal style, and use Singing Carrots' tools and resources to develop and enhance your skills.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.